About Me

Hello! I like dogs. my name is Gibson Green and I am going into my junior (class of 2021) at Florida Gulf Coast University. I am a Software Engineering Major with a minor in Mathematics. I am a Stellar
Research Assistant for Dr. Derek Buzasi at FGCU. Currently, I am researching Stellar bodies recorded in the 2003 GALEX NASA Campaign. I am using the gPhoton Software. I am in the
Honors College. I have held the position as an Honors College Mentor for the University. I mentored 5 new members of FGCU's Honors College, and helped them acclimate to the University and
bring them to speed on the expectations of the Honors College. Finally, I am a brother in the Florida Xi Chapter of the Phi Delta Theta Florida Xi chapter at FGCU.

In the world of Software Engineering, I have began my initial steps in my long future as an Engineer. I find myself extremely intrigued and interested and look forward to my education!

In my free time I love watching TedTalks about anything having to do with Futurism, I play Intramural Basketball and follow anything that has to do with basketball, I love playing video
games that include Fortnite, NBA 2k19, The Elder Scrolls series, etc.

image of 2019 FGCU Stellar Research Group image of Gibson Green's Honors CollegeMentor headshot image of Gibson Green at 232nd AAS Conference Presenting image of PDT Initiation

Educational Experience

Lake Forest High School (2013-2017):
I attend LFHS in Lake Forest, Illinois from August of 2013 through June of 2017. I completed 4 years of Spanish,
4 years of math (finishing with AP Calculus AB), 4 years of CAD Engineering, and 3 years of Science Courses. I
played on the LFHS basketball team for 4 years and the robotics team for 2 years. I was in the National Honors Society.

Florida Gulf Coast Univeristy (2017-2021):
Currently, I am a entering my junior year at Florida Gulf Coast University (Class of 2021). I am in FGCUs Honors
College and my sophmore year I held the position as Honors College Mentor. I am a Software Engineering major, minoring in
Mathematics. I have presented at The 232rd American Astronimcal Society, where I presented Exoplanet Light Curve findings.

List of Completed Collegiate Classes Pertaining to Software Engineering Major:

Work Samples

Project Name Media File Project Description
K2 Analysis Project FGCU Honors Planet Hunters Research Course Project: K2 Kepler Campaign 15 and 16 Light Curve Analysis. Laura Ferrell and I
analyzed 200 light curves using Dr. Derek Buzasis AstroDev Web-based Light Curve Analysis Tool. Project Description, walkthoughs and result found in presentation.
Light Curve of Candadite Exoplanet image of Exoplanet Light Curve Gibson Green Found
LFHS Group Automatic Ball Launcher LFHS Honors CAD Engineering (Year 2) Group Ball Launcher Assignment. In groups, the class was assigned to create a ball
launcher that would autonomous load, reload, and launch a tennis ball. Goal was to make a launcher that could be utilized by the physically disabled. Could us launcher to play with friends, children, baseball practice, fetch with dog, etc.
Scratch Soccer Video Game FGCU Introduction to Programming assignment: make a video game, make a video, or animation using Sratch. I chose to create a two person soccer game, where the ball first to 10 wins! Click the link to play.

Other Profiles

Profile Name Profile Link Profile Description
GitHub For GitHub Click Here Click the following link to go to Gibson Green's Github Profile Page
CodeAcademy For CodeAcademy Click Here Click the following link to go to Gibson Green's CodeAcademy Profile Page
LinkedIn For LinkedIn Click Here Click the following link to go to Gibson Green's LinkedIn Profile Page
Instagram For Instragram Click Here Click the following link to go to Gibson Green's Instagram Profile Page
VSCO For VSCO Click Here Click the following link to go to Gibson Green's VSCO Profile Page

Website Accessibility & Usability

Here in Gibson Green's Portfolio Website, the goal was display was knowledge of the following Computer Languages:

This website should display my knowledge of how to write, edit and learn these low-level languages. Images should
display properly, the video should be easy to use, tabs and overall layout is simple to use and looks nice. Here are
some of the examples of topics I learned over the course of the semester:

Fraternity Event Title Fraternity Media File Description of Event
Chipotle Fundaisers Over the course of my semesters as Philanthropy Chairman and Vice President of Phi Delta Theta, I have organized several proceed nights at our local Chipotle and Moes Resturant! Over the course of 3 nights we have raised over $700 for ALS research!
Kilwins Ice Cream Night One event I threw as the Philanthropy Chairman was a proceeds night at GCTCs Kilwins. We raised $230 for ALS research!
Kickin it for a Cause The main Philanthropy Event I threw over the course of the fall 2018 semester was Kickin it for a Cause. In conjunction with FGCUs Special Buddies program, we threw a greek life kickball tournament where teams were split with half Greek Life and half Special Buddies. 9 greek organzations came out to the event and Sigma Epsilon were the winners! We raised $800 for Special Buddies and ALS research!
Hunting For A Cure A special event to raise money for Huntingtons disease was thrown on FGCUs main campus at Alico Arena. My semester as Community Service Chairman (Spring 2018), I organized a group of brothers to go out and show our support for the cause!
Wing Eating Contest Overlooking the event as Vice President, our Philanthropy Chairman for the Spring 2019 semester threw a wing eating contest. Teams were made of 5, and 50 wings were split. Teams competed at the same time and the three fastest times made it to the championship round. Same rules applied for the championship round. Sigma Epsilon won this event! We raised over $1400 for ALS research!
Pie a Phi A fundraising event that I ovesaw as Vice President was called Pie a Phi. FGCU students and faculty came by and paid to Pie brothers in the face!
Spring Rush 2019 Spring Rush 2019 poster of events.
Formal Budgeting Financial Budget four our fraternitys formal trip to New Orleans.
Community Service SpreadSheet Here is the spreasheet of logged Community Service hours that I created to track brothers hours in the fraternity!
ALS/Lou Gehrigs Disease Raffle One of the events that I threw as the Philanthropy Chairman (Fall 2018) of Phi Delta Theta Florida Xi Chapter was an electronics raffle to raise money for the ALS Foundation. We raffled off a set of Airpods, an Xbox One X, and an Apple Watch Series 3 We raised $800 dollars that went to ALS research!